Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Few and far between

A friend of mine quoted something to me today, I thought I would share my insight for the first post- 

"Fairy tales are important, love is real, dancing is crucial, and people who actually "feel" each other are rare and far between."

Oh how true it is. Fairy tales- If I didn't believe at least some fairy tales do come true- My life would be very disenchanted and I would not be able to enjoy the smallest thing's in life as well if at all. 
Love is real. It hurts. We all know that by now. But, love is also one of the things that makes all of the pain, anger and confusion in life actually worth it. 
Dancing- Dance like no one is watching right? Movement and rhythm, ( if you have it) is so beautiful to watch. A random slow dance in a parking lot for no reason is spectacular. Dancing like or while no one is watching brings a sensation of freedom to your soul. 
"Feeling"- That intuition feeling that something is about to go wrong or someone is in trouble? Sometimes those feeling's are quite accurate. Those day's where your best-friend can look at you and automatically know what is wrong or what happened. Those friends really are few and far between. Hold onto them dearly. 

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